Receive Inbound Cargo

  1. Click on the Traffic Center

  2. Choose "Inbound" as the cargo movement type

  3. Click the "Planned or Incomplete Work Orders" tab to see whether the delivery has been scheduled. You may search for the SKU if necessary

  4. If a record already exists, click on the Cargo number or Work Order number to open the Traffic Center detail

  5. Otherwise, click on "Create Cargo" near the bottom of the screen

  6. Set Container Type = Flat Bed Trailer

  7. Enter Manifest = Driver's Manifest, if any

  8. Click the Received date

  9. Click the Unloaded date

  10. Choose the appropriate scale and add the weight ticket information, especially the driver/memo field

  11. In the Order Fulfillment section, enter the SKU or Purchase Contract information and click "Make Assignment"

  12. In the Fulfilled cell in the Order Fulfillment grid, enter the number of bales received

  13. Click the "Work Orders" tab to add or complete work orders, etc.

  14. Click the "Inventory/Contents" tab to create inventory tags

  15. Select the number of inventory tags to print, i.e., 8 tags for 448 bales = 56 bales per tag. Click "Add Inventory Rows"

  16. Enter the receipt location. IF you forget this step, you can also edit each row in the grid. Note: enter the short code for the location, not the long description

  17. Run the appropriate reports (Inventory Tags, Inspection Report, Scale Weight Ticket, etc.)

If you are running scale integration (where the computer reads the scale information), then you will return to the Traffic Center to find the driver (search by name) and open the record to complete the Unloaded date and finish any incomplete work orders.