Scheduled Job

A System Event is something which occurs based upon certain conditions (such as a Shipment being marked complete).

An Action is something which is done as a result of an event.

With the help of an installed Windows Service (Job Agent), Shipper can respond to events in the system in the following ways:

All events are logged as soon as they occur.  They cannot be undone.  For example, if you mark a Shipment as Complete, then moments later decide that was not a good idea the event will fire anyway.  Also, you can mark it complete, then clear it, then mark it complete again and the event will fire twice.  The only exception here is Schedule Tasks. These occur on a regular basis.  Every hour (at a certain number of minutes past the hour); daily (or multiple days per week) at a certain time of day; or monthly at a certain time on a certain day of the month.

Actions each have their own configuration.  For example, to run a report the system will need to know which report to run.

For all actions, you may use replaceable parameters.  For example, @ShipmentId is replace with the actual ShipmentId.  This is true for any field on the Shipment, Booking, Agreement, or Bill tables.  The parameters are Case Sensitive!

For Email Notifications, SMS, and Reports, the "Iteration SQL" allows you to run the same event for each row returned by your SQL. Each of the columns in your result becomes a case-sensitive replaceable parameter. You could use this to send Shipment Advice to everyone who has had activity.

Currently, the following events are supported:

Additionally, the following are available, whenever they are associated with an event.





All Types:

Examples of Iteration SQL:

Watch for errors in the event log:


    count(*) as Records


    dbo.EventActionLog eal


    eal.Result not in ('Success','')

and eal.CreatedDate > dateadd(day,-1,getutcdate())

having count(*) > 0

Including payment information for the "Invoice Payment Posted" event:

SELECT TOP 1 p.Reference1 as PaymentReference, pm.Description as PaymentMethod, 

format(p.Amount,'N2') as PaymentAmount, dbo.ConvertTime(p.Posted,-480) as PaymentPosted

FROM dbo.Payment p

JOIN dbo.PaymentMethod pm on pm.PaymentMethodId = p.PaymentMethodId

WHERE p.BillId = @BillId


URL's for public images associated with an item;

select Q.Attachments

from dbo.Shipment s

JOIN    ( -- Attachments

    SELECT qq.ShipmentId,

    Attachments = (SELECT STUFF((SELECT distinct ', ' + q.AttachmentURL as [text()]

        FROM dbo.Attachment q

        WHERE q.AttachmentURL like '%public%'

        AND q.ShipmentId = qq.ShipmentId

        FOR XML Path ('')), 1, 2, ''))

    FROM dbo.Attachment qq

    GROUP BY qq.ShipmentId

   ) Q ON Q.ShipmentId = s.ShipmentId


    s.ShipmentId = @ShipmentId