MailChimp Integration
MailChimp is a common email marketing platform. It allows you to have regular contact with you customers. See
Using Shipper, you can upload data from your Shipper Parties, to a MailChimp list of subscribers. MailChimp will take it from there.
MailChimp account
API Key (see
Email and have them update your API Key in your instance settings. You should only need to do this once.
Setting it up:
You need a SQL query to pull the subscribers you want. Don't worry! We'll help. See the attachment to this page for an example.
The query needs to contain a unique column named "Email".
You will need to create a List, and know the exact case-sensitive name of that list.
The query columns will all be used to do a MERGE function and SUBSCRIBE each email address to the LIST you specify.
You will need to create a Scheduled Job
Parameter 1 is the SQL Query
Parameter 2 is the Name of the List - exactly - from #3.
Let it run and see the results.
An example:
The code is here:
declare @YearsAgo int = 3
p1.Name Company,
isnull(p2.Name,p1.Name) FNAME,
ISNULL(p2.Email,p1.Email) Email,
case when nullif(isnull(p2.PortalPassword,p1.PortalPassword),'') is not null then 1 else 0 end PortalUser
dbo.Party p1
join dbo.PartyClass pc1 on pc1.PartyClassId = p1.PartyClassId and pc1.Mnemonic = 'COMPANY'
left outer join dbo.PartyRelation pr
join dbo.Party p2 on p2.PartyId = pr.ToPartyId
and p2.IsActive = 1
and p2.IsMarketingOptedIn = 1
and p2.IsTransactionOptedIn = 1
join dbo.PartyClass pc2 on pc2.PartyClassId = p2.PartyClassId and pc2.Mnemonic = 'PERSON'
on pr.FromPartyId = p1.PartyId
left outer join (select max(CreatedDate) LastPurchase, Buyer_PartyId
from dbo.Agreement
where CreatedDate > DATEADD(year, -@YearsAgo, getutcdate())
group by Buyer_Partyid) b on b.Buyer_PartyId = p1.PartyId
left outer join (select max(CreatedDate) LastSale, Seller_PartyId
from dbo.Agreement
where CreatedDate > DATEADD(year, -@YearsAgo, getutcdate())
group by Seller_PartyId) s on s.Seller_PartyId = p1.PartyId
left outer join (select max(CreatedDate) LastShip, ShipTo_PartyId
from dbo.Agreement
where CreatedDate > DATEADD(year, -@YearsAgo, getutcdate())
group by ShipTo_PartyId) sh on sh.ShipTo_PartyId = p1.PartyId
p1.IsActive = 1
and p1.IsMarketingOptedIn = 1
and p1.IsTransactionOptedIn = 1
and NULLIF(ISNULL(p2.Email,p1.Email),'') is not null
and (b.LastPurchase is not null or s.LastSale is not null or sh.LastShip is not null)
order by
1, 2, 3