Using the ShipperXL Mobile App

 See the ShipperXL Mobile App Install page for information about installing the app on your phone or other device.

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How to Use the App

Once logged in, here is the main menu. There may be more or less items based upon your permissions.

This is an example of a BLOCK tag (aka Inventory Tag). It is a serial number for a block of hay and is traceable back to the original inbound load and all moves in between. It exists with one quantity and one location at all times. You can move it to another location, but all units go to that new location. 

This is a SKU tag, which just represents the SKU as a whole. It does not represent a particular load. When performing functions on SKU-only tags, you will need to provide a location and quantity.

Work orders printed from Shipper each have a barcode. However, there are different types of work orders.


Receiving inventory is easy, especially with block tags. Just scan the tags, the location where you will put the product, and the quantity you received against each tag.

As with ALL SCREENS make sure to press ADD when enter all the information, then press DONE to save to the server. If you forget to press DONE, it will not be saved. If you forget to press ADD it will not be saved. 

If you are using SKU tags to receive inventory, you will also need to provide a work order to associate with the activity. 


Moving inventory is easy, especially with block tags. Just scan the tags and the new location.


If you are using SKU tags, you will need to provide a bit more information: the location where the inventory is FROM and the RAW or PROCESSED amounts that you are moving. Watch for error messages because you cannot move more than actually exists!


To PROCESS means to create or modify product (press, wrap, or whatever) BEFORE the container arrives to ship it.

You will be scanning product OUT of raw inventory and INTO processed inventory. It will be shipped later.

This screen is tricky: you need to enter the processed quantity BEFORE pressing ADD. You also need to select whether you will mark the work order as Finished BEFORE pressing ADD.


SKU-only processing just requires a bit more information: the FROM and RAW fields. 

Note: if you are not actually scanning a physical inventory tag, the extra fields will not appear. Trick it by entering a 0 for Barcode, clicking Scan, and then clicking back.


To RETURN means to put a small amount of product back into inventory after processing completes. Let's say you have 56 bales on a BLOCK tag, and you use 50 of them but want to put 6 back into inventory. It will be associated with the last known work order.


For SKU-only tags, you will need to provide the FROM location too.

To SHIP means to remove product from inventory. That inventory can be either produced as you load the cargo, or maybe it was already done earlier and you are loading staged product. 

On this screen you are scanning product OUT of inventory and instantly converting it to and relieving it from processed inventory.

This screen is tricky: you need to enter the processed quantity BEFORE pressing ADD. You also need to select whether you will mark the work order as Finished BEFORE pressing ADD.

NOTE: you only need to provide ONE processed value. In other words, instead of splitting 896 into 8 records of 111, just enter 896 once!


A SKU-only tag is typical here when you are removing processed inventory, which no longer is associated with identifiable block tags. Thus, you remove a processed quantity FROM a location.

To simultaneously convert raw inventory to processed inventory, you just provide both values.

NOTE: you only need to provide ONE processed value. In other words, instead of splitting 896 into 8 records of 111, just enter 896 once!

You can lookup inventory totals by scanning a SKU-only Tag, Inventory Tag, Location barcode, or Work Order barcode. OR, you can enter a SKU, location, or work order number manually.


To record an inspection against an inbound load, you can scan any of the inbound tags. Alternatively, you can scan the work order to a sku-only location. 

You can send pictures and attach them to a cargo record or SKU. This requires that you have the Send an email to add attachments to Shipper feature enabled. Also, it requires that your device be configured to send email.

When you press the SAVE button to Send Pictures, you should see the following:

The Settings page:

If you have a hardware-based scanner, such as the TC25, then you can turn off the Scan buttons intended for camera-scanners (on by default). 

Click on Gmail and click ALWAYS.

If you accidentally click the wrong thing, you might need to reset your app preferences. For Android, go to Settings > Apps > ... > Reset app preferences.

Processing Scenarios:

1. Direct processing and shipment 

Uses a single work order attached to an outbound cargo.

2. Pre-processing / Staging / Backstocking. 

Uses two work orders. The first work order just has a work type of PRESS (or similar). The work order can be scheduled and assigned in advance. 

Raw material is removed from inventory and converted to PROCESSed inventory in a new location:

The second work order is attached to an outbound cargo. This just SHIPs the product from processed inventory: