
ShipperXL helps you make and keep your traceability goals via the following features:

  • Each inbound load is recorded. Inbound grower, SKU, weight, unit count, and even pictures are captured. A SKU (stock-keeping-unit) is assigned to each line item on a purchase contract, which typically corresponds to a grower, year, field, pivot, etc.

  • Each block on an inbound load will have a unique serial number that be used to trace that block as it moves and until it is used to produce a SKU-based product. These serial numbers are on printed tags that accompany each block.

  • If a product is pressed in advance and not loaded to a specific container, then once a block is double-compressed and blended with other blocks, it's individual identity is lost but it retains its SKU designation. The SKU can be printed or otherwise indicated on processed products.

  • If a product is pressed directly into a container, then each block from the incoming loads can be traced to the individual container where it was loaded.

  • Details about when and by whom products were unloaded, loaded, and transported are all available and recorded in conjunction with each container.