Work Order Scheduler

The Work Order Scheduler helps you manage the schedule of work orders for a particular work zone and work center.

There are several key functions:

  1. Set the filter first. This is your context and determines where you're working.

  2. Set the Planned Start day. Planning is done on a day-by-day basis. It is also very acceptable to choose a single day of the week where you put all your work orders. i.e. they can be planned for Monday, but started and completed on other days.

  3. Add Work Orders that are missing. Make sure to use the Make Copies feature on the work order screen. For example, to make 10 work orders for 10 cargo records that are all identical in the order.

  4. Move the work orders up and down to prioritize.

When you are done, you can run the Work Order Schedule Report to share the plan with others.