Custom Field Types

Custom Field Types are the available building blocks for creating Inspection Types and Custom Fields for Categories and/or Items which then flows to Items, SKUs, and even Agreements (SO/PO).

    • Custom fields have a Mnemonic and a description. The Mnemonic is important since it's a surrogate for the name of the custom field. It should not change, but the description can change as often as needed.

    • Custom Fields are not included in any standard reports. Custom reports may include custom fields on a case-by-case basis.

    • Since these values should change only very infrequently, if you make changes you will need to press F9 in Shipper to clear the cache and reload these datasets if you are troubleshooting them. It may take several hours to take effect on other machines, or they can also press F9 to refresh immediately.

Custom Field/Data Types are:

  1. Commodity

  2. Date

  3. Date + Time

  4. Number

  5. Party

  6. Port

  7. Single-choice list (i.e. Color: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet)

  8. Text (any text you want)

  9. Yes/No (checkbox)

To associate a custom field, you'd use the Inspection Type page. This allows you to choose which custom fields are associated with an inspection type, which order they appear, and whether they are required. The classic example of this is the Hay Analysis.

Another way to associate custom fields is via the Categories screen. This means that all items associated with that category will automatically have those custom fields associated with it. This includes all SKUs, and any Agreement Items (SO/PO) where the Item or SKU is used.

Yet another place to find custom field definitions is on the Item screen. If using a category is too broad, then you can specify custom values for a specific item.