A scale refers to a commercial weigh scale capable of weighing product in either pounds or kilograms. This screen shows all your available weigh scale. Any size weigh scale may be integrated and simply requires an interface cable (called a serial cable) connected to Kiosk or workstation.
To add a new Scale click the "Description" column and use the "Tab" key to move across the table to enter the appropriate information.
Number Format: S{NNNNNN}. The prefix can be any character to identify the scale uniquely.
Active: if unchecked, the scale will not appear in pick lists.
Multi-Weight: for shorter scales that require multiple axle weights.
Unit of Measure: either Pounds or Kilograms
Work Zone
Service URL. This will be updated automatically when a kiosk connects. ONLY ONE kiosk is supported per scale.
Service Serial
The format of this string is as follows, delimited with colons as shown.
Serial Port : Baud Rate : Parity (None, Even, Mark, Odd, Space) : Data Bits (7,8) : Stop Bits (0,1,1,5,2): Flow Control (None, RequestToSend, RequestToSendXOnXOff,XOnXOff)
Example: COM24:9600:N:8:1:None
Note: to detect the serial port, use the Device Manager in Windows to find which ports are connected to your computer.Service MAC: this will be updated automatically when a kiosk connects.
Serial Mask: a string that describes the serial output from the serial cable.
? = any character
n = any length number. nnn = three digit number.
* = ignore all following characters
any other characters are literal.
Example: ??????? nnnnn KG*
Example: n LBSign1 URL: this will be updated automatically when a sign connects.
Sign1 MAC: this is used to license the Sign
Sign2 URL: this will be updated automatically when a sign connects.
Sign2 MAC: this is used to license the Sign
Camera1 URL: the url to the camera.
For example, OR rtsp://user:password!@ AUTH
Type (Digest, Basic):User:Password
Example: Basic:User123:Password456
For RTSP, do not include Basic or Digest.Camera2 URL (same as above)
Camera2 AUTH (same as above)
Stack Landscape
If selected and there are two cameras configured, the scale image stacks them horizontally instead of vertically