Sales Contract Items
- Agreement: This field will be visible, but not editable unless opened directly from a fulfillment section. It auto-filled from the related order/contract.
- Customer/Supplier Reference: often a line item reference for the customer/supplier from their PO/SO
- Item: Item code being purchased/sold
- Inventory SKU: the SKU being purchased/sold. It should be a SKU that is real, in-inventory, and arriving or departing from on-site.
- Non-Inventory SKU: a SKU that is used in back-to-back trades, or is otherwise not really in inventory
- Additional SKU Reference: a modifier that will appear along with the SKU (whether inventory or not). This varies, but could be grade, packaging, etc. It will print consistently on most production reports.
- Quantity Ordered per Each/Container/Container Type: self-explanatory
- Amount per Unit: price/cost
- Estimated Quantity: when the actual quantity sold is unknown (like when selling containers by the ton) this provides an estimate.
- Max Cargo Pounds/Kilograms: prints on cargo bill of lading, work orders, and provides alerts on scales when above the range.
- Asset: rarely used
- Completed: Check only if the item is to be considered completed/done.
- Assignment: aligns shipments with the order, processor, work zone, and work center.
- Fulfillment: shows actual fulfillment of the order
- Processor Memo: for display to processors only
- Internal Memo: for display internally only
- Buyer/Seller Memo: for display to Buyers/Sellers
- Contract: if this is part of a contract, apply it here.
- Notes: note log
- Work Order Templates: create these when you want a consistent work order for every cargo created
- Alternate SKUs: when selling by grade, you can provide a list of allowable SKUs. This will print on the work order.
- Price/Cost Breakdown: used to define the variable prices/costs associated with the order item.