Purchase Contract Item

Key Items:

  1. Agreement: This field will be visible, but not editable unless opened directly from a fulfillment section.

  2. Customer/Supplier Reference: often a line item reference for the customer/supplier from their PO/SO

  3. Item: Item code being purchased/sold

  4. Inventory SKU: the SKU being purchased/sold. It should be a SKU that is real, in-inventory, and arriving or departing from on-site.

  5. Non-Inventory SKU: a SKU that is used in back-to-back trades, or is otherwise not really in inventory

  6. Additional SKU Reference: a modifier that will appear along with the SKU (whether inventory or not). This varies, but could be grade, packaging, etc. It will print consistently on most production reports.

  7. Quantity Ordered per Each/Container/Container Type: self-explanatory

  8. Amount per Unit: price/cost

  9. Estimated Quantity: when the actual quantity sold is unknown (like when selling containers by the ton) this provides an estimate.

  10. Max Cargo Pounds/Kilograms: prints on cargo bill of lading, work orders, and provides alerts on scales when above the range.

  11. Asset: rarely used

  12. Completed: Check only if the item is to be considered completed/done.


  • Assignment: the item is assigned to a shipment. Only for back-to-back trades.

  • Fulfillment: shows actual fulfillment of the order

  • Processor Memo: for display to processors only

  • Internal Memo: internal only.

  • Buyer/Seller Memo: for display to Buyers & Sellers

  • Notes: generic internal notes log.

  • Work Order Templates: create these when you want a consistent work order type created for every cargo created.

  • Alternate SKUs: a list of alternate allowable SKUs. This will print on work orders. This is rare for purchases.

  • Variable Costs: defines the variables costs associated with the item. For example, if you know you'll be paying $x for insurance, dray, tarping, etc. but don't receive bills for these costs until after the fact. Helps to produce an all-in purchase cost.

  • Custom: any custom fields will appear here