Customizing My Company Logo
You set this logo from the Tools | Options screen and click on the Database settings. You will need a logo file that looks good at a size of 250 x 75 pixels.
Advanced Settings:
Some reports support an automatic replacement of the logo depending upon the primary party on the report. Commercial Invoice is the prime example. For this to work:
The logo can be either a PNG or JPG format.
Your company logo must be accessible from the internet via a web server. For example: "http://www.mycompany/logos/logo.png"
Your default logo file name must be SHORTCODE-logo.png (jpg is also supported). The SHORTCODE is the short code for the Seller.
The company logo location must be set using HAAL, not the Options page above.
Any additional companies that could show as the Seller on the commercial invoice MUST have a logo on your server in the same format (e.g. COMPANYA-logo, COMPANYB-logo, etc.). The system does not automatically revert to your default logo.