Renewing SSL Certificates
Kubernetes Certificates
From bash, navigate to /Shipper/Shipper/Documents/Certs
Create a CSR using openssl:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -out secure_hurkin_com.csr -keyout secure_hurkin_com.key -subj "/ VALLEY/O=HURKIN LLC/OU=Administrative/"Using that CSR, order a new certificate from SSL Direct.
Within a few minutes you'll receive the certificate, and the certificate chain, via email.
Copy the certificate to secure_hurkin_com.cer
Copy the chain to secure_hurkin_com_bundle.cer
Create a pfx for the bundle:
openssl pkcs12 -export -out secure_hurkin_com_bundle.pfx -inkey secure_hurkin_com.key -in secure_hurkin_com.cer -certfile secure_hurkin_com_bundle.cerCreate a pfx for the certificate:
openssl pkcs12 -export -out secure_hurkin_com.pfx -inkey secure_hurkin_com.key -in secure_hurkin_com.cer -certfile secure_hurkin_com_bundle.cerUpload a new version of the certificate to the prod key vault.
In the Kubernetes service Configuration page, Secrets tab, remove 'keyvault-secure-hurkin-com'
In the Services and Ingresses page, Ingresses tab, remove 'secure-hurkin-com'
Use the Create menu on that page to "Apply a YAML". Use /HAAL/haal-api/kubernetes-prod.yaml
Test to make sure that the new certificate has propagated
Azure App Services
From the Certificates page for the Web App (App Service), make sure you have a "Managed certificate"
On the Custom Domains page for the Web App, make sure there's an SNI SSL binding to the custom domain name (i.e. and that an SSL certificate is assigned.